AWS Serverless

AWS Lambda Delivery Partners

Committed to helping clients achieve their goals, we design effective cloud architecture environments, develop migration strategies, and build new infrastructure using AWS services. Leverage our expertise and experience in the field.



Unlock the potential of AWS

With the capabilities of Groundfog

Groundfog is your go-to AWS Advanced Tier Consulting Partner in Dresden, Germany, with extensive expertise in building, managing, and optimizing cloud solutions for both established enterprises and fast-growing startups. Our comprehensive range of AWS capabilities can help you leverage the power of public, private, or hybrid clouds for your innovation initiatives without worrying about infrastructure management. AWS Lambda and AWS Lambda@Edge are at the core of serverless applications developed by Groundfog as an intermediate layer for inter-service communication and compute resources for business logic such as APIs, machine learning workloads, and data ingestion.

Trust Groundfog to provide you with the best AWS consulting services to help you achieve your cloud computing goals.

Optimizing user experience with the power of AWS

Dive into our insightful case study, where we partnered with Siemens to unlock the power of real-time A/B testing using the serverless magic of AWS!


Benefits of AWS Serverless

Our experts use serverless technologies to build native cloud applications, automate DevOps and meet your business needs. By cutting out server management, operational tasks are reduced and application deployment is simplified. This accelerates time to market, increases security, and lowers the total cost of ownership.

The top 10 key advantages of AWS Serverless

Easily adjust storage capacity
Serverless allows for convenient adjustment of storage capacity, whether you need to increase or decrease it.
Choose preferred OS and technology
You have the flexibility to select the operating system and technologies that are best suited for your needs.
Rapid deployment, functioning, and scaling
The platform enables faster deployment, functioning, and scaling, so you can get your applications up and running in no time.
Hourly pay-as-you-go pricing
With pay-as-you-go pricing, you only pay for what you use, and you are charged by the hour.
Robust BI and analytics support
The strong support for BI and analytics ensures that you have the tools you need to gain valuable insights from your data.
Automatic backups across multiple regions
Automated multi-region backups provide peace of mind by ensuring that your data is secure in case of a disaster.
Easy scheduling automation
With simple automated scheduling, you can save time and focus on other important tasks.
Great DevOps assistance
Excellent DevOps support means you can rely on expert guidance and assistance throughout the development and deployment process.
Simple licensing
The licensing method is straightforward and easy to understand, so you can focus on your work without worrying about complex licensing agreements.
Reliable data transfer
You can count on high transfer stability for your data, which is critical for ensuring that your applications and services are always available.

Explore the full potential of AWS for your business!

Let's talk and discover the power of cloud-based solutions tailored just for you. Contact us now for a consultation that transforms possibility into reality.