Trusted partner to drive success

Proudly partnering with those committed to agility and constant innovations.



Partnering with the world’s most innovative teams.

Let’s be partners

At Groundfog, we redefine collaboration. Whether you are a valued customer or business associate, we see everyone as a trusted partner. Our commitment is to meet at eye level, cultivating relationships built on reliability and shared success.

15x AWS Certified

Covering specialties such as Security and Machine Learning

50+ Service Launches

Transforming businesses’ digital landscapes through cloud-native development

19x Adobe Certified

And a team with years of experience in the Adobe Experience Suite

Our Partnership with Siemens

Siemens, a global technology leader in energy, healthcare, and transportation, partners with us for AWS-powered solutions, fostering innovation and driving digital transformation in diverse industries.

🎯 Innovation:
Driving digital transformation across diverse industries.

🎯 AWS Collaboration:
Partnering with Siemens, we leverage AWS to craft tailored solutions.

🎯 Sustainability:
Siemens teams up with us for sustainable solutions to shape the future of technology.



Our Partnership with Adobe

Innovating digital marketing, Adobe leads with transformative Experience Cloud solutions. Groundfog, an Adobe partner, specializes in crafting custom digital experiences for European clients.

🎯 Strategic Alignment:
Adobe and Groundfog form a powerful partnership, strategically aligning to deliver innovative digital solutions.

🎯 Adobe Expertise:
Groundfog's specialized expertise in Adobe Experience Cloud ensures precision in crafting customized digital experiences.

🎯 Unified Vision:
With a shared vision, Adobe and Groundfog bring cloud-native excellence to the forefront, seamlessly integrating solutions for global impact.



Our Partnership with Webiny

Webiny redefines content management with its innovative open-source serverless CMS, championing enterprise-grade functionalities while ensuring data security within clients' infrastructure boundaries.

🎯 Strategic Collaboration:
Groundfog and Webiny forge a cloud-native partnership, collaboratively developing new features for an enhanced CMS experience.

🎯 Knowledge Sharing:
Our teams synergize, sharing insights into content management systems and serverless, contributing to essential product functionalities.

🎯 Serverless CMS Excellence:
With a shared commitment, Groundfog and Webiny redefine content management, offering a secure, serverless, and intelligent solution.


Our Partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

As an official AWS Advanced Tier Service Partner, Groundfog boasts a team of skilled, certified professionals with extensive customer experience. Leveraging Amazon's feature-rich cloud platform, we offer a versatile mix of SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS solutions.

🎯 Advanced Partnership:
Groundfog proudly holds the AWS Advanced Tier Service Partner status, ensuring top-notch proficiency in delivering transformative solutions.

🎯 Cloud-Native Expertise:
Our team combines AWS's evolving platform with cloud-native strategies, preparing businesses for the future through innovative infrastructure and application development.

🎯 Feature-Rich Solutions:
Groundfog harnesses AWS's constant updates, enabling secure hosting for both existing and new SaaS-based applications and providing businesses with cutting-edge solutions.



Our Partnership with SQL Projekt AG

Groundfog is partnering with SQL Projekt AG, a trusted provider of database technology and low-code integration solutions based in Dresden, to boost the TRANSCONNECT® platform. Groundfog strategically manages AWS services to fuel SQL’s innovative solutions.

🎯 Cloud Computing Optimization:
Groundfog is utilizing its expertise in managing AWS services to fine-tune the infrastructure supporting the TRANSCONNECT® platform, ensuring optimal performance, scalability, and reliability.

🎯 Customer Experience Enhancement:
Groundfog is committed to ensuring a seamless experience for SQL Projekt AG's customers, providing support and expertise to guarantee the success of IoT and digitalization projects, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

🎯 Digital Innovation Acceleration:
Groundfog and SQL Projekt AG are working closely to accelerate digital transformation initiatives, leveraging innovative technologies and methodologies to drive rapid progress and achieve business objectives.


Join forces, drive success

Partner with us today.

Ready to unlock new opportunities and drive mutual growth? Partner with us!